Jobs "*" indicates required fields First Name* Last Name* Phone Number*Email Address* Highlight past experience qualifications:*Highlight any specific customer service experience and work with the public:*Job(s) Interested In On-Site Coordinator– $15 - Responsible for contracted client events and ensuring on site staff is achieving duties. Landscaping- $15- General mowing, trimming, weed eating OUTDOORS. ASR/Ticket Taker-$15 - Customer focused, greeter, use technology to scan tickets, guide people to their seats during events. Ticket Seller Event Attendant- $15 - general cleanup, sweep, mop, trash, and toilets before, during and after events. Skate Guard- $15 - Customer focused, hand out rental skates, provide a safe ice skating environment to our guests. Concessions Set-Up Crew – $15 - General Labor, Set up chairs, tables, stages, during the week or late weekday hours, heavy lifting involved. Crowd Management CAPTCHA Δ